Eat an Apple a day and Senescence with the doctor shall flee away

Washington is commonly called Daily an apple keeps the doctor away, but new research has proven that apple in your diet regularly to keep you away from old age.

US University of Iowa Medical experts said that certain parts of the skin of the apple muscle weakness in old people and save them from extinction. There are also a feature of the green tomatoes that older members are protected from being lost. The new study, which found that older ways of treating people for a long time to keep fit and healthy will.

ATF 4 protein genes in older people by changing the muscle meat is less likely and the frail elderly people. But two natural compounds present in the skins of apples ATF 4 prohibit this activity. If you have one of these in your overbark acid which is present in the skin of apples and green tomatoes tumidine the other chemicals in the works.

The research of Professor Christopher Adams and his colleagues is the main author of this study are also, according to their muscles and muscle weakness, problems of old age is a major challenge which affects both quality of life and routines. The study says that the doctors peel apples and tomatoes eating the weak muscles in old age may be placed in a very good manner.